Are you sure you are choosing this joker to be the next President of the United States?

I had viewed all three presidential debates and are now even more convinced that Obama should be picked to be the next President.

McCain voted in support of Bush 90% of the time over the past 8 years. Are you sure you are voting for someone who had consistently supported a FAILED administration to lead a country that is currently suffering from the worst economy crisis in history?

Enough is enough.

McCain: Urrgghh... Are you sure you wanna do this honey? Where's Sarah when I need her?

Have no fear, Obama will likely become the next president. I base that prediction simply on the fact that I am seeing a lot of "Obama for President" campaign signs out on the front lawns of so many homes here in Houston. Since Texas is a stronghold of the Bush family, I am amazed at how many people here want a change. As for me, I simply want our country to get OUT OF IRAQ as soon as possible and Obama is the only candidate promising to pull out of Iraq. I just hope Obama does not change his mind after being elected!!
Traveling Chemist
This blog made me laugh. Not at what you wrote, but at the pictures of McCain with his tongue sticking out! Silly!
I haven't decided as of yet who will get my vote. I'm still on top of the fence with that...
Traveling Chemist:
Wow, it's really great to hear that piece of information. Yes, I agree with you. Let's really hope that Obama doesn't go back on his promise to withdraw troops from Iraq.
Hahaha... laughter is sunshine to the gloomy soul :)
Two more weeks to decide!
First, I would like to say I think it is wonderful that your blog shows that you are a Christian; I am also. I am wondering why you would be for Obama since he is clearly not conservative and is for Homosexual marriage and abortion, both of which are against God’s laws.
I personally would have Alan Keyes for president (maybe next election) over Obama or McCain because I do not like Sarah Palin as vice president. Just as there is a minimum age for presidents, I believe there should also be a requirement that a woman who is the mother of a baby or very young children should not be president or vice president.
In an interview, Sarah’s seven-year-old daughter Piper was asked what she would like to be when she grew up. Her answered was “a babysitter”. Why? I think it is because the babysitter is who takes care of Piper while her mother is absorbed with her career.
Actually, I can sense from your blog why you do not like McCain, but will Obama really be a better choice for this country?
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